February 17 of Abounding Pathways

God's Horn of Plenty

Every day spent with Jesus is a day when the tree of your life is granted an increase by God the Father who dwells in Heaven.

Jesus Christ is the key to the door of spiritual growth and the rock of our salvation.
No man can come to the Father except by the gate of entry, Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is the Alter where we can place the offerings that we make to God and Jesus Christ is the Temple wherein we can worship God.

Everyday spend without Jesus is a day wasted, a day in which we will suffer loss.
Jesus Christ has been given all power and authority in Heaven and the earth; without him we can do nothing.

If you try to bypass God's provision for your life and do it your way, you will receive nothing from God.
Jesus Christ is God's Horn of Plenty by which God blesses us.

©02/17/2002 Jim Welch
February directory